St. Joseph Puzzle

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Let your child imagine what it would have been like for Jesus to be learning alongside St. Joseph in his workshop. What kinds of things would they have been making? How do you think St. Joseph would have reacted if ever the Christ Child needed assistance with a project? What conversations took place between them? Would Mary pop in to see how things were going?

Think of one question to ask your child as he or she works the puzzle and let the conversation naturally flow from there.


Why puzzles???
When my oldest was 3, we were doing a mermaid puzzle. My daughter was studying every piece of that puzzle trying to figure out how it all goes together. As she studied the pieces, she began asking questions about what she saw. And the questions didn't stop. 

We had a fun conversation, but I just couldn't help but think what if we had been talking about more than mermaids. 

What if my child was so engaged with a puzzle of Jesus or Mary or one of the Saints that she was asking question after question and I had the unique opportunity to teach her about our Catholic faith while we played? 

It is our most sincere prayer that these puzzles will provide, not only some good ol fashion fun, but also an organic opportunity to discuss with your children the Catholic faith and the holy men and women who have come before us.

Colors on your screen may vary slightly from actual color of puzzle.